ZARA founder had real estate assets worth 15 billion Euros in 2019 | ET Realty

Zara founder had real estate assets worth 15 billion euros in 2019 | ET Realty

Other properties include a stretch of London’s prime shopping drag Oxford Street and the historic E.V. Haughwout Building in SoHo, New York.

MADRID: The investment vehicle of Amancio Ortega – founder of fashion empire Inditex and one of Europe’s richest men – reported on Tuesday it had real estate assets with a market value of 15.16 billion euros ($17.15 billion) at end-2019.

Pontegadea groups Ortega’s 59.29% stake in Zara owner Inditex and billions of euros of prime commercial real estate bought using Inditex’s dividends – such as London office block “The Post Building” which houses McKinsey’s UK headquarters.

Other properties include a stretch of London’s prime shopping drag Oxford Street and the historic E.V. Haughwout Building in SoHo, New York. It also holds stakes in Spanish telecom towers company Telxius and gas grid operator Enagas .

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